Kellie Pickler commented on her rack : “I don’t take any of that personal when people criticize me about the way I look,” Pickler said. “You know what? If you don’t have anything better to talk about than my rack…can I say rack? … It doesn’t bother me a bit. As long as I’m happy with Kellie than that’s most important.”
The only thing I see Kellie admitting to is that she has boobs. Ones that are 100% real by the way as anyone can see in her most recent shots on myspace. I guess that makes you the boob for even posting this drivel.
I just went to her myspace and if you can't see the difference between the old Kellie and the new then you DON'T know what real boobs are in the first place! Go look at the gallery's and then re-think what you said. She HAD A BOOB JOB!!! It was even talked about the last time she was on American Idol. Ryan say will did you buy anything new? Kellie Shoes Ryan just shoes. They're fake!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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