Showing posts with label Jaimie Alexander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jaimie Alexander. Show all posts


Jaimie Alexander So Hot!

For the last 3 weekend I've been having a Kyle XY marathon, have both season 1 and 2 down, working on 3.
Its one of those shows that you can't stop watching but knowing that there are only 3 seasons you don't want it to end.
ABC Family really pulled a boner when they canceled Kyle XY!
How many other series have their been that were so Good that their main network ABC picked it up and ran it on Fridays????
I know, made no sense to me.
Last week we ran Hottie Kirsten Prout, this week Jaimie Alexander!
She was so Hot back then, and even Hotter Now!
Green eyes, dark hair, and petite, damn I'm in lust!
If you have Netflix check out Kyle XY on demand.
To Hottie Jaimie Alexander Picture Gallery


Jaimie Alexander Hot Hot Photos

Damn where has Jaimie Alexander BEEN???
We haven't seen her since Kyle XY was canceled 2 or 3 years ago!
Maybe these pics are making up for not seeing her since that, I hope they are a sign of her future????
Added 60 pics to Jaimie Alexander Gallery.
To Jaimie Alexander Gallery


Re-run: ABC Family, Are you Fricking Crazy? Canceling Kyle XY, Dumbest thing you've ever DONE!

I still miss Kyle XY, ABC Family you need to bring Kyle XY BACK!

Kyle XY is a perfect combination of futuristic possibilities and real time life.
Why would ABC Family cancel it, to do another stupid ass reality show?
ABC Family already thinks 9 shows are a season??
Cheap, greedy corporate executives?
Hey TV executives you wonder why people are on the Internet more, and TV less, it's called a big lack of good programming!
We are sick of all the dumb ass reality shows!
We can only hope Kyle XY will be brought back, and at least give it an ending that it deserves!!!!!!!

Check out the 3 hotties, April Matson, Kirsten Prout and Jaimie Alexander!


ABC Family, Are you Fricking Crazy? Canceling Kyle XY, Dumbest thing you've ever DONE!

Kyle XY is a perfect combination of futuristic possibilities and real time life.
Why would ABC Family cancel it, to do another stupid ass reality show?
ABC Family already thinks 9 shows are a season??
Cheap, greedy corporate executives?
Hey TV executives you wonder why people are on the Internet more, and TV less, it's called a big lack of good programming!
We are sick of all the dumb ass reality shows!
We can only hope Kyle XY will be brought back, and at least give it an ending that it deserves!!!!!!!

Check out the 3 hotties, April Matson, Kirsten Prout and Jaimie Alexander!


Kyle XY Marathon All Day Today!

Kyke XY Marathon all day today, behind on whats happened or never seen the show, today's the day to catch up!
Check out the 3 hotties, April Matson, Kirsten Prout and Jaimie Alexander!
To Jaimie Alexander Gallery
To April Matson Gallery
To Kirsten Prout Gallery


Kyle XY to return this Monday!

And along with it all the sexy Ladies! ABC Family calls it their 4rd season I call it their 2 1/2 season.
Either way it’s a Killer show for Sci-Fi fans!
Check out the 3 hotties on it. April Matson, Kirsten Prout and last but not least new comer Jaimie Alexander!
To Jaimie Alexander Gallery
To April Matson Gallery
To Kirsten Prout Gallery


Kyle XY won't return until Jan 2009!

Hey ABC Family if you have a Good Show, put it on more! Don't run it 12 episodes call it a season, then wait an entire year to put it back on!
Hopefully we can at least see some mid summer (now) re-runs, better yet some new teasers before Kyle XY characters are in their 30's still attending high school!
Either way it’s a Killer show for Sci-Fi fans! Check out the 3 hotties on it. April Matson, Kirsten Prout and Jaimie Alexander!
To Jaimie Alexander Gallery
To April Matson Gallery
To Kirsten Prout Gallery


Kyle XY to return this Monday!

And along with it all the sexy Ladies! ABC Family calls it their 3rd season I call it their 1 1/2 season. Either way it’s a Killer show for Sci-Fi fans! Check out the 3 hotties on it. April Matson, Kirsten Prout and last but not least new comer Jaimie Alexander!
To Jaimie Alexander Gallery
To April Matson Gallery
To Kirsten Prout Gallery