Showing posts with label Maksim Chmerkovski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maksim Chmerkovski. Show all posts


Hope Solo May be going Home?

If I were a betting man I would guess that Hope Solo will be going home tonight on Dancing with the Stars?
The fact that her partner Maksim Chmerkovski is an arrogant SOB, that in my opinion needs a couple of seasons off, her attitude has gone south too!
All that aside Rob Kardashian should be the one going HOME!
Disclaimer: I don't like the Kardashians, none of them, can't believe they're still around, and that advertisers are paying them, they just keep getting richer for what?
No talent, who the hell is watching their show and buying their ad space and products?
I wouldn't sell them ad space for a million bucks, OK that's BS I would sell them space for a million bucks?
Any way watch Dancing with the Stars tonight on ABC, I'm guessing Hope is gone?
To Hope Solo Picture Gallery
To Sexy Ladies of Dancing With the Stars


Chaz Bono Gets the Boot on Dancin with the Stars

Chaz Bono finally gets kicked off Dancing with the Stars!!!!!!
About Fu#$ing Time, who the hell was voting for Bono????
In Bono last words he said I wanted to show America a different kind of man, ya Chaz did that, a man with a Vagina, not a man in my opinion!
Now if Chaz had gotten more than her boobs taken off and male hormones, I could have seen the judge saying your a man, but she, he what ever didn't!!!!!
Glad Chaz is finally GONE, simply said Bono could not dance!
Now to pro Maksim Chmerkovski get this arrogant SOB off Dancing with the Stars!!!
I'm so sick of his self centered tantrums, and its not your show Chmerkovski!!!
Give him a year off, let him teach dance lessons for $10 a hour, then maybe bring him back on a trail bases as a part time dancer!
Sick of his BS every year!
Enough said!
To Sexy Ladies of Dancing With the Stars Gallery's