Showing posts with label Marin Hinkle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marin Hinkle. Show all posts


Two and a Half Men Back tonight or is it???

Tonight is the season premier of Two and a Half Men or is it the beginning of the END?
How are they going to kill off Charlie?
I will be watching it just to see, but Ashton Kutcher, I don't see it????
I have to be honest, I don't like Ashton Kutcher, never have!
Also on tonight Dancing with the Stars!
I hope you have a DVR cause you're going to want to use it!
I just hope Dish Network doesn't pull another boner like they did last week and lose another satellite???
For those of you that don't have a DVR or something like it, hard choice, I girl that is now a guy with out a penis and boobs, 200 lbs over weight, and trying to dance or One and a Half Men????
Also just read on one of my ads, ya I read them, The Roast of Charlie Sheen on Comedy Central, shit 3 all on at the same time, but Comedy Central will be airing it 3 times tonight!
Hard choice, or is it?

To April Bowlby Picture Gallery

To Marin Hinkle Picture Gallery

To Kelly Stables pics

To Courtney Thorne-Smith Gallery
Just some of the Sexy Ladies from Two and a Half Men from through out the years!
April Bowlby, Marin Hinkle, Kelly Stables and Courtney Thorne-Smith. To all of the ladies.


Two and a Half Men Shut Down!

According to TMZ ""Two and a Half Men will immediately stop production for the rest of the season ... because of Charlie's escapades in the last few days ... most recently what he said to TMZ.
The decision comes several hours after TMZ posted a story in which Charlie Sheen challenged creator Chuck Lorre to a fight, calling him "a stupid, stupid little man and a pu**y punk that I never want to be like."
Damn Charie, did I not try to tell you to pull your head out???
Guess your shit does stink?
A lot of fans won't be happy about this, me included!

Just some of the Sexy Ladies from Two and a Half Men from through out the years!
April Bowlby, Marin Hinkle, Kelly Stables and Courtney Thorne-Smith. To all of the ladies.


Charlie we Love you, Pull your Head out of your ASS!

Despite all the very serious talk about getting Charlie Sheen the help he needs, Warner Bros. has apparently changed their tune on the Two and a Half Men hiatus because filming will resume in as little as three-to-four weeks and make up the missed episodes so the crew gets paid. TMZ reports:
Watt-up: So I'm going to sound like my mom now: Charlie if you don't like yourself enough, then do it for your kids!
We love Charlie Sheen, but come on we want him to be around for a while, Charlie know when you're in a role, and when it's your real life!
What's up with the last two times that they hauled his happy ass off, anyone else with that much drugs would be staring at felony distribution charges and Prison?
Maybe that's what Charlie needs, some time in jail, instead of some bullshit rehab center?
We just hope you get that ugly monkey off your back buddy!
Get Better, or we may be saying Charlie Sheen RIP

Just some of the Sexy Ladies from Two and a Half Men from through out the years!
April Bowlby, Marin Hinkle, Kelly Stables and Courtney Thorne-Smith. To all of the ladies.