Showing posts with label The Walking Dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Walking Dead. Show all posts


The Walking Dead - Have they gone Too Far?

Tonight was the season premier of The Walking Dead, did they Go To Far?
I think for a lot this may be a breaker and they won't be tuning in for the rest of the so called season, sorry but I don't consider 10-15 episodes a season.
I'm on the fence on this one, it wasn't at all enjoyable to watch and I really didn't think that Glenn or Abraham were going to be the ones killed off????
Will I'll find out more next week alone with the rest of you???
On a happy note check out the gallery's of the hotties from The Walking Dead, Cheers


To Lauren Cohan Picture Gallery
To Sarah Wayne Callies Picture Gallery
To Laurie Holden Picture Gallery


The Walking Dead Back Tonight!

That's right fellow Walking Dead Lovers, in less then 8hrs the Mid season premier of The Walking Dead will be on!!!!
Enough with the BS of being off over 2 months for a Christmas break, what’s next 4 to 5 minute commercial breaks, oh wait that’s already here too!!!!
See ya there!


To Lauren Cohan Picture Gallery
To Sarah Wayne Callies Picture Gallery
To Laurie Holden Picture Gallery



RIP Beth The Walking Dead

I can't believe that bitch killed our little Beth, sad day on The Walking Dead :(


Tonights The Walking Dead - WOW!

I won't spoil it for those of you that haven't seen it yet but I didn't see that coming!!!
What the Hell is up with this mid season finale????
There's only 10 to 12 episodes in their season and a break after 5 episodes, give me a break!


To Lauren Cohan Picture Gallery
To Sarah Wayne Callies Picture Gallery
To Laurie Holden Picture Gallery



Back Tonight The Walking Dead!

After what seem like 3 months, The Walking Dead returns after its Christmas break, who the hell gets 3 months off for Christmas?
What I think is one of the Best Shows on TV!
Don't forget The Talking Dead immediately following.
To all the stories and pics from The Walking Dead
To Sarah Wayne Callies Picture Gallery
To Lauren Cohan Picture Gallery
To Laurie Holden Picture Gallery


RIP T-Dog and Lori

I still can't believe they killed off my T-Dog and Lori, SUCKS! The Walking Dead - Best Show on TV!


Dish Network - The Walking Dead - AMC?

UPDATE: I have to give Dish Network credit for getting AMC and The Walking Dead back on tonight! AFT! Now where is my credit for the last 3 months of no AMC and the $3 for having to buy last weeks episode on Amazon???? And a new Hopper for all the BS! I know I'm never satisfied.

Below is the one sided conversation with Dish Network on Twitter!
One sided because they never responded to any of the questions or instant messaging to them, NOT ONE!!!
I guess they don't want my business, If you’re a Walking Dead or AMC fan I'm guessing you'll be doing the same????

7th Oct @dish_answers Less then a week until The Walking Dead how about an answer Dish Network, are you getting AMC back or not ? 2nd time asked!

8th Oct @dish_answers Actions speak louder then words! Dish only answers what they want to???????? After 12 years time to switch!

14th Oct Goodbye Dish network!!!! After over 12 years as a loyal customer I'm GONE! Let’s see how many others leave you now!
Here are some comments on Twitter in just 5 minutes!!!
Let Dish Network know how you feel at

@dish_answers AMC rocks with The Walking Dead only!!! You should include them back on your packages!!!

@dish_answers you're not open if you are waiting on them to change their position. just saying...i will look to cancel my service tomorrow.
@dish_answers @TXDarkKnight * Fuck you DISH and AMC both for this continued bullshit!

@dish_answers @TXDarkKnight That is BS. Dis has said they wll NOT carry AMC, ever.

@dish_answers stop fucking lying and give my channels back or else imma be in y'all mentions talking shit every Sunday

@dish_answers @TXDarkKnight I want AMC back as well. Follow the comments on facebook and you will be seeing how many customers are leaving.

#dish_answers #AMC #The Walking Dead #Dish Network #DishNetwork
Watch last weeks and all season 3 The Walking Dead Instant Video at Amazon



The Walking Dead Season Finale Tonight!

It’s never too late to start watching what we think is the Best TV show this Year!
What will happen tonight, who or what will die?
The excitement the last few weeks has been non-stop with The Walking Dead, showing all the other networks that we don't want your bullshit reality shows, we want real drama, OK almost real drama!
Tonight on AMC, check your local listings for times.
Update 3-19-12
Dammed if they didn't set us up for next season!
Without giving much away, I was on the edge of my seat yelling look out, behind you, OH Shit!
What a night!
All I can say is AMC you need to hit us with a summer season, 10 episodes is not a season, 22-32 is a season!
Loved it!
Added a gallery for Laurie Holden!

To Sarah Wayne Callies Picture Gallery
To Lauren Cohan Picture Gallery


Shane is Dead!

Yes Shane on The Walking Dead is Dead!
The shocker is he was killed 2 times, the first one by Rick (knew that was coming) the 2nd time by his son 11 yr old Karl!
Ya, if you don't know what I'm talking about you're missing the Best show on TV!!!!
I know I said that last week, but that still holds true!
Next week is the finale of this season, so your not going to want to miss it.
The Walking Dead on AMC Sunday nights, and played through out the week, season 1 on Netflix streaming, or DVD.
The only thing I can say bad about The Walking Dead is there are only 10 episode this season, we want more!
Also on tonight on the Talking Dead was star from the show Lauren Cohan, damn is she not just Smoken Hot!
Check out her Gallery's, I think you'll agree.

To Lauren Cohan Picture Gallery


The Walking Dead, I can't believe they killed Dale!

Yes Dale was gutted in one of the most brutal kills in the entire show, and if you don't know what I'm talking about you're missing the Best show on TV!!!!
The Walking Dead on AMC Sunday nights, and played through out the week, season 1 on Netflix streaming, or DVD.
The only thing I can say bad about The Walking Dead is there are only 10 episode this season, we want at least 30!
To all the stories and pics from The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead or Oscar?

I'll give you 2 guesses, The Walking Dead won hand down!
Ya I'm tired of over paid actors blowing smoke up each other, saying I'm so great, I had absolutely no desire to watch The Academy Awards, yes I did record it, don't know if I'll watch it though???
Yes The Walking Dead is that Good!
Congratulations to our winner, The Walking Dead, you won 1 1/2 hours of my time!

To Sarah Wayne Callies Picture Gallery
To Lauren Cohan Picture Gallery


The Walking Dead Back Tonight!

Back tonight Sarah Wayne Callies and Lauren Cohan in The Walking Dead on AMC!!!
The Walking Dead, only the Best Show on Cable!
Added gallery for Sarah Wayne Callies.
Added Gallery for Lauren Cohan
To Sarah Wayne Callies Picture Gallery
To Lauren Cohan Picture Gallery


Aisha Tyler - Talking Dead

Aisha Tyler hit The Talking Dead last night, which is the Talk Show about The Walking Dead, Ya I know DJ, what the Hell are you talking about, Aisha Tyler is Not Dead!!!!
Still Smokin Hot!
To Aisha Tyler Picture Gallery


Lauren Cohan - The Walking Dead

So of course I was watching The Walking Dead last night, and I keep thinking, I know that hot farm girl from somewhere, then it hit me, Bela from Supernatural, 2 minutes later shes in the pharmacy getting it on like most good farm girls do, and showing us major side boobage!!!!!
Then an hour later I'm checking the stats on the site, damned if her gallery isn't getting hit like it's never been hit before!
Just goes to show, take a Great show (The Walking Dead), add a Hot Farm Girl (Lauren Cohan), get her naked and show some side boob, Bam, get great Monday water cooler talk!
Yes AMC you are a cable - Satellite TV station, we pay for you, we can handle the nudity!
If you missed The Walking Dead check it out on AMC, I'm sure it will air again sometime this week!
Check out Lauren Cohan in her gallery, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of her!
To Lauren Cohan Picture Gallery